Recent Rainmaking

Part of Enlightened Rainmaking is finding a way to complete your work and have a life. What I mean about having a life is spending time with family and friends, working out, having fun, and doing hobbies, but those in big law, mid-market law, and virtual law are so concerned with getting the work done […]
Were you aware that May 6-10 is Well-Being Week in Law? It’s understandable if you weren’t aware of this week. After all, most of us are engrossed in building our businesses, serving clients, and meeting billable hour requirements. So, what makes this week stand out? I hate these “ersatz” holidays or events (not just this […]

Welcome to the new and improved newsletter. It used to be called Rainmaking Recommendations because it contained a tip or tactic that you could use to build your book of business. Do not despair—this newsletter will include those as well. But before I can tell you about the new newsletter, I wanted to provide a […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #280: The New Enlightened Rainmaker
The fourth (and last) quarter of this year is starting in less than 3 days. From now until the end of the first quarter of the new year, you will hear and read about creating a business development plan for your legal practice. Article after article and blog post after blog post. There will be […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #279 Craving Balance as a Rainmaker
The word “balance” is used a lot in the legal industry, but I’m here to tell you there is no such thing as true balance. Think of life as a teeter-totter – one side is up, and the other is down. Somedays, work is the most important, and life issues are less so. On other […]
Featured Posts

Rainmaking Recommendation #218: Follow the Yellow Brick Road – An Allegory for Rainmakers
In a very weird walk down the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City to ask the Wizard for new clients and matters, members of the executive committee of Gale, Scarecrow, Tinman and Lion, LLP, a 100+ lawyer firm are chanting “Pandemics, Politics, and Recessions, Oh my,” over and over again through their masks. James […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #203: It’s ALWAYS About Communication
Business development, aka Rainmaking, has been and will always be about communication and trust. You need exceptional communication skills to build trust and confidence in your abilities to help your clients and potential clients. And never has this been truer than at this time in history. The global pandemic has only emphasized the need for […]

Lawyers Using Referral Marketing as a Revenue Stream? Not so Fast!
Recently I read a post which suggested that attorneys should use referral marketing as a revenue stream – that attorneys should refer cases they cannot or will not take to other attorneys for fees. Not so fast! It’s not as easy as I give you a new client you pay me a referral fee because […]