In the novel, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams says of the eponymous book that this novel is partially written about: “The Hitchhiker’s Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #197: Conversational Narcissism

Are you a conversational narcissist?  The other day, I came across a post entitled, You May Be a Conversational Narcissist and Not Even Know It (Here’s How to Tell).  It was a fascinating piece that described the term “Conversational Narcissist” which was created by Charles Derber, a sociologist, and describes the trait of constantly turning […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #193: It’s About Them!

For almost 20 years as a Rainmaking Trainer and Coach, I have been saying the same thing:  It’s not about you.  It’s about them.  “Them” being the prospective, current and former clients. It’s always been about them, but every year there is a proclamation about the fact that lawyers and law firms must become “client-centric,” […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #191: Do You “NO” Why You’re Not a Rainmaker?

For years, you’ve promised yourself that you were going to take control of your legal career.  You know that in order to do so, you need to have a book of business.  A book of business that would give you negotiating power with your current firm to become an equity partner; a book of business […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #189: The Law of Seven Touches

It has been a basic principle of marketing from time immemorial that it takes seven “touches” before someone will respond to your call to action.   It was a concept began by Dr. Jeffrey Lant who is considered one of the godfathers of marketing.  “A touchpoint can be defined as any way a consumer can interact with a business, whether it […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #186: The Benefits Of Gratitude on Business Development

In one week’s time, it will be Thanksgiving in the United States.  And, you will probably be feasting with friends and family, watching football games (and probably arguing with them). I believe that many of us have forgotten that Thanksgiving is a time when we are supposed to be grateful for all that we have received during the […]

Content is Still King

In a great article on Forbes entitled Content Marketing is The New PR, Nancy Marshall of Marshall Communications, wrote why content marketing is now becoming the best way to get your name and brand out in the world. The one thing that stood out most in this article for me is a quote she cited […]

The Rainmaker Crisis in Law Firms

I have been talking with a managing partner of a midsize firm lately who admits that there are only a few attorneys in the firm who know how to bring in new clients and that the bulk of the work that is introduced to the firm is originated by him.  As he is beginning to […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #181 – Recommendations, Reviews, and Testimonials (Part 3): How to Deal with Negative Reviews

For the past few Rainmaking Recommendations, we have been discussing recommendations, reviews, and testimonials.   In one we discussed the differences between these; in the second we discussed how to get more. And, in this one, we will be discussing what to do if you receive a negative review.  Remember, testimonials are those accolades that you […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #160: The 8 Laws of Personal Branding (Legal Branding Series part 4)

The past three Rainmaking Recommendations have been about building your personal legal brand and its importance.  Before discussing the many tactics and the ethical considerations in using those tactics to build your brand, I wanted to touch on one other idea that I love: The 8 Laws of Personal Branding. I didn’t come up with […]