December 5, 2019 is the 10th anniversary of The Enlightened Rainmaker blog.
Last month, I wrote a blog about trying to blog every business day in November. And I wanted to provide the results and my thoughts on this experiment.
- I didn’t post a blog every business day in November. While I could have posted every day, it would have been about quantity rather than quality and I was unwilling to sacrifice that just to get another blog posted.
- I have mad respect for any blogger, vlogger and podcaster who can provide quality content daily. It is a lot harder than I thought.
- I did post 10 new blogs in November which is 8 more than my monthly average for the past 10 years. So, while it wasn’t a true victory, I am happy to have written as many blogs as I did. You know what Les Brown is quoted as saying: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.”
- After posting more blogs in one month than in the 5 previous months, you should know that blogging is a lot like exercising when you are totally out of shape. When you first begin, it feels like a chore and causes pain. You hate it and you want to stop. However, the more often you produce content, your creativity and blogging “muscles” get stronger and you kind of miss it when you aren’t doing so. You begin to think of more and more blog ideas that you want to write about, and finally
- I intend on providing more content in 2020 – I haven’t decided whether it will be written or video or a combination of both, but I am excited about the prospect. I now have a list of topics for 2020 that I want to tackle to ensure that attorneys get ethical and inventive ways to bring in new business for their law firms.
So, I just want to end by saying for 10 years I have been blogging about attorney marketing, branding and business development. But, I have been involved in this industry for 18 years and it has been my pleasure and honor to serve my fellow lawyers as they learn to build their books of business.
I believe and continue to believe that any attorney who wants to become a Rainmaker can do so. They just need to desire, determination, dedication and discipline.
As I have said since day one of opening my company: “Rainmakers are not Born; They are Taught”™
BHAG for 2020: To help 2,020 lawyers build their books of business:
- If you are a mid-level associate who would like to become a partner or a partner looking to become a Rainmaker and are interested in individual coaching but would like to take it for a test drive, schedule your Rock Star Rainmaker Training Trial Session.
- If you are a law firm leader and would like to discuss bringing a training program or a Rainmaking Seminar (with Ethics CLEs) in-house please email me.
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