141 Days, almost five months; for some, it’s as if I disappeared.
I’ve been away from my newsletter, blog, and social media for the past few months due to health reasons. I apologize for the lack of updates. While I am always teaching my clients to be authentic, I also teach them that they do not have to provide too much information about their personal lives if they do not want to. And as a very independent person, I have always tried to keep the negative things happening in my life to myself. I rarely ask for help because I was brought up to be self-sufficient.
But I am going to open up and let you know what has been going on for the past five months. To do so, we must go back in about a year and a half in time. Even though I don’t spend a lot of time discussing it, or writing about it, I was diagnosed with lung cancer in December 2021. And thankfully it was caught very early. I’ve never kept it a secret but I don’t feel the need to lead my life with it. I just want to get rid of it.
However, after 2 surgeries, cyber-knife radiation treatments, and chemotherapy, it was discovered that the cancer had mutated and that conventional FDA-approved treatments wouldn’t help. At that time, I was put on a clinical trial to see if that would work.
Happily, the clinical trial was working – my tumors are shrinking, and no new tumors have grown/appeared.
Unfortunately, the clinical trial was also incredibly toxic to me and resulted in my being hospitalized twice and in bed for the past 8 weeks with a type of pneumonia. 141 days. That’s how long I have endured serious side effects from the treatment. It was so bad, that I have been unable to do much in my business or even in my life.
The good news: I was taken off the trial and am healing from all the negative side effects.
The better news: I am starting a different treatment that I am hoping gets me to where I want to be (cancer free) without the toxicity causing side effects.
The even better news: I am back to helping Mid-Market, Big Law, and Virtual Law Firm Attorneys become the Rainmakers they NEED to be (while achieving their billable hours) – particularly in this economic climate.
And the best news: There are going to be some amazing changes to The-Rain-Maker coming very soon (starting in July). These changes will help you build the book of business you want, capture all the billables you need, and help you be happy with your life. So be on the lookout!
Thank you to those of you who reached out during this time to see how I was. Your kind messages and well wishes have meant the world to me, and I’m truly touched by your continued support.
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