Rainmaking Recommendation #98: There Ain’t No Cure for the Summertime Blues

First, a quick reminder:  We are six months into the year.  How’s your practice going?  Are you on target with your Rainmaking Plan or falling behind?

What? You don’t have a Rainmaking Plan??  Now is the time to get one together so that you can finish the last 6 months of the year strong!

Now, for the recommendation . . .

Image courtesy of hin255/freedigitalphotos.net

Image courtesy of hin255/freedigitalphotos.net

There are two times a year that most attorneys feel that they don’t have to market their services on a consistent basis:  The time between Thanksgiving and the New Year, and summertime.

The thought is that “most people are on vacation during these times so they won’t respond to my marketing efforts.”

While it’s true that many people do take vacations, particularly when the kids are home, the fact is that summertime can be one of the best times to keep your name in front of your prospects, clients,  and referral sources.  They may not hire you now, but by keeping your name in front of them on a regular basis, they will be more likely to keep you in mind when they do need your help.   Ramp up your social media efforts, send interesting newsletters, write for journals and magazines in your niche, or invite clients or referral sources to play golf (if you play).

You also have the opportunity to go to many outdoor events and it doesn’t have to be expensive.  Many towns have free summertime concert series.  Invite referral sources who can do business with each other, as well as refer potential clients to you, to join you for the evening.  Bring refreshments and food and have a little picnic.  Or ask them to join you for the local minor league baseball team’s game (much less expensive than getting a dozen tickets to a major league game).  Use your summertime imagination.

The fact is, that no matter what time of year, consistent and constant marketing and rainmaking activities are important  to stave off those “feast or famine” cycles that many attorneys might have.   When you take the time off from your marketing efforts you will find that you have to try to ramp them up in the fall to get new clients.

Stop thinking about summer as the time to take a break from your marketing and think of it as a perfect opportunity to gather speed for the upcoming fall season.


All information is the copyright of Marketing Field, LLC © 2014


Rainmaking Recommendations are sent the first and third Wednesdays of the month.  They are bite size tips that when implemented will cause you to make rain. To learn more about Rainmaking, Goal Setting and Achieving the Life you want as an Attorney please contact Jaimie B. Field, Esq.  If you have missed any of the previous Rainmaking Recommendations you can find them at www.jaimiefield.com The Enlightened Rainmaker Blog.

Did you know you can schedule an in-house, customized Rainmaking training workshop for your law firm? begin telephone or Skype individual rainmaking training from wherever you are in the world with Jaimie? Call or email for more information.

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