Rainmaking Recommendation #197: Conversational Narcissism

Are you a conversational narcissist?  The other day, I came across a post entitled, You May Be a Conversational Narcissist and Not Even Know It (Here’s How to Tell).  It was a fascinating piece that described the term “Conversational Narcissist” which was created by Charles Derber, a sociologist, and describes the trait of constantly turning […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #196: A Social Media Rant

I actually posted a version of this blog almost 6 years ago.  And, I feel the need to repost (and revise it to reflect 6 more years of being on social media), particularly after what has happened on my various social media channels in the past two weeks. Have we met? Have we connected in […]

Lawyers Using Referral Marketing as a Revenue Stream? Not so Fast!

Recently I read a post which suggested that attorneys should use referral marketing as a revenue stream – that attorneys should refer cases they cannot or will not take to other attorneys for fees. Not so fast! It’s not as easy as I give you a new client you pay me a referral fee because […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #195: Failure to Implement Syndrome

Do you suffer from Failure to Implement Syndrome? Do you read books, listen to podcasts, even read (these) blogs and then do nothing with the information?  It’s called failure to implement and you will never build a book of business that way.  Listen, I am guilty of this “disease” as well.  With the amount of […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #194: Stop the Insanity!!

With all due respect to Susan Powter (who you ask?? keep reading), I’m asking you to “stop the insanity.” In the heyday of really annoying 1990s infomercials, a spiky-haired blonde lady would invade our t.v. sets almost hourly telling us that the diet industry is broken and selling us on her plan to lose weight.  […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #193: It’s About Them!

For almost 20 years as a Rainmaking Trainer and Coach, I have been saying the same thing:  It’s not about you.  It’s about them.  “Them” being the prospective, current and former clients. It’s always been about them, but every year there is a proclamation about the fact that lawyers and law firms must become “client-centric,” […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 192: 10 (of Many) Best Networking Practices for Networking Events

Apparently, according to my friend and colleague, Lindsay Griffiths, the Executive Director of the International Lawyers Network, it’s International Networking Week. I had no idea that there even was such a thing until last year.  It is to celebrate how networking helps business professionals grow their businesses.  Heck, if there can be a National Weatherman’s […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #191: Do You “NO” Why You’re Not a Rainmaker?

For years, you’ve promised yourself that you were going to take control of your legal career.  You know that in order to do so, you need to have a book of business.  A book of business that would give you negotiating power with your current firm to become an equity partner; a book of business […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #190: What’s Going To Change This Year?

Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life. – Robin Sharma I’m going to be a bit in-your-face for this Rainmaking Recommendation and it may piss you off a bit.  But, it needs to be said (and, to be even more honest – I need to hear it myself). What’s going to change? […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #189: The Law of Seven Touches

It has been a basic principle of marketing from time immemorial that it takes seven “touches” before someone will respond to your call to action.   It was a concept began by Dr. Jeffrey Lant who is considered one of the godfathers of marketing.  “A touchpoint can be defined as any way a consumer can interact with a business, whether it […]