Rainmaking Recommendation #235: The Art Of Your Introduction (Your Audio Business Card)

Since the pandemic started, I have been doing a tremendous amount of virtual networking with a plethora of people. I am speaking specifically of group networking, not just virtual one-on-ones. And I have noticed something very interesting:  many have trouble describing what they do for a living in a few short, memorable sentences.   This is […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #234: 10 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Referrals

Referrals can be one of the best Rainmaking tactics you can use to grow your book of business.  But, many lawyers aren’t getting the quality or quantity of referrals that they would like.  Here are 10 reasons you’re not getting referrals: You aren’t top of mind I’ve often said that people do not wake up […]

Rainmaking Recommendation 232: How to Become an Authority: Influence

In this last part of the series about how to become an authority, I reiterate the definition that I have come to love: Authority = Expertise* + Influence We deconstructed this definition and discussed why you need to become an authority and how to develop expertise*. You must understand that there are hundreds of thousands of experts* in […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #231: How to Become an Authority: Expertise

In Rainmaking Recommendation #230, I discussed why you need to become an authority in your practice area and niche.  As mentioned in the last post, I really like Ian Brodie’s definition of authority: Authority = Expertise* + Influence Expertise*: If you have been reading these Rainmaking Recommendations for any length of time, you know that […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #230: Why You Need to Become an Authority

HBO is currently airing a documentary entitled Fake Famous.  The movie’s premise is to see if the filmmakers can take three ordinary 20 somethings and turn them into Instagram Influencers.  Without explaining the entire film of the documentarians using fake bots for followers, likes, and comments, they succeed in turning one woman into an “influencer” […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #229: You Are Already a Salesperson -Embrace It!

We all know that attorneys hate the words “sales,” “selling,” “sell,” and so forth.  To lawyers, these words are genuinely offensive.  One of the biggest excuses I get for lawyers not becoming Rainmakers is “I didn’t go to law school to become a salesperson.”  In fact, I had used this excuse when I first started […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #228: Should You Air Your Opinions On Social Media? For Rainmaking and Ethics purposes – NO!

I am a true proponent of being authentic on social media, including blog posts, videos, and all other social media. Social media is about connection.  It was originally designed so that you can keep in touch with friends and family, see what they were up to, and keep in contact with them.  Then the marketers […]

What Santa Claus Can Teach You About Being A Rainmaker (Revised for 2020)

We interrupt the usual Rainmaking Recommendation to present you with a blog post that was originally written in 2009.  It is still apropos today but has been updated just a little bit.  That jolly ol’ white-bearded, portly guy in the red velvet suit with the (faux) fur trim is a better Rainmaker than you.  While his clients, […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #227: Permission Marketing

In this very brief Rainmaking Recommendation, I would like to both vent my annoyance as well as tell you how to avoid ticking off your clients and prospects. In the past 9 months of the pandemic, I have met or reconnected with hundreds of people during virtual networking events.  As a result, I have been […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #226: Using the Rainmaking Cycle to Become a Rainmaker (Part 3 – Creating Relationships)

For the past 4 Rainmaking Recommendations, we have been discussing the Rainmaking Cycle.  Today, we discuss the last part, creating relationships. And while to some attorneys this may sound a bit woo-woo or spiritual, the truth is that people do business with people they know, like, and trust. I’ve written this in the past, I’ve […]