Rainmaking Recommendation #121: The Dead Days of Summer Don’t Have to Be Dead

It’s the last few weeks of summer

Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net/twixx

Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net/twixx

It’s hot . . .

Everyone is on vacation . . .

For many attorneys this is one of the quietest times of the year (second only to the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day).  For others, they are going on vacations themselves.

But this is one of the best times to get your Rainmaking Activities back on track.  If everyone feels like they are slow now is the opportunity to take someone to breakfast of lunch and build a relationship with that person that could lead to new referrals or business come fall.  Play golf (if you are a golfer) with a potential client or referral source (however, just don’t make it a “Random Act of Golf”).

Take some of the downtime to work on your blog, social media plan, write a white paper, schedule a seminar, or just review what you have done to see if you are still on track for the year.

Oh yeah, also take the time to relax and recharge so that you are ready for an amazing 4th quarter too!




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