Will you let another year pass with changes? (Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net/Anoop Krishnan)
We are really, really close to the end of the year.
It is time to reflect on the past year and determine how you did this year and what you can do better for the next. However, for most attorneys, the past 365 days were exactly like the 365 days before that.
If each year seems to be blending in to the next, what do you want to do to change it?
Do you want to finally become the Rainmaker that you know you can be?
Do something different this coming year. Read books and websites, set your goals, learn the techniques and tactics necessary to bring in new clients and referral sources, meet the people you need to meet. But most importantly, do the work.
Every person who has made it big has done the work necessary to achieve the goals they wish to accomplish.
You need to make a conscious decision to make a change if you want things to be different in the new year.
If not, you could be in the same situation next year.
If you would like to experience a complimentary Rocket Your Rainmaking Coaching session before the end of 2015, please follow this link for instructions.
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