Want to be a Rainmaker? Then it doesn’t matter what time of year it is.
Many people, lawyers included, tend to go on Rainmaking hiatus when summer rolls around. For some, the kids are out of school, vacations are being taken, and there are half-days on Fridays. But now is not the time to slack off.
Instead, kick your Rainmaking efforts into high gear! Why?
- Your competitors are probably taking it easy, maybe heading to the beach (or, as here in NJ, headed “down the shore”). This could be the time to take advantage of that fact and start wooing some new clients or referral sources.
- Since many people are taking it slower, it may be easier to get on their calendars for one-on-one networking.
- You don’t slow down your momentum. It is much harder to start up again than to just keep going.
- You can choose some fun summertime activities to do with your clients, prospective clients and referral sources – of course, golf is just one of those activities. You can also find out what they like to do during the summer and invite them along when you go.
- You can contact the prospects that didn’t become clients. Reach out to some of the people who contacted you over the year to discuss legal work. Call or email them to find out if their issues were solved or if they would like to discuss working together again.
And the final reason is that September is not that far away (and if you feel the same as I, it seems to come faster and faster each year).
Why go into Q4 without the momentum to carry you towards achieving the goals you set when you wrote your Rainmaking Plan at the beginning of the year. What? You don’t have a 2019 Rainmaking plan? It’s not too late – you officially have 6 months left to this year. If you are interested in learning how to create “Your Blueprint for Rainmaking Success” please sign up for The-Rain-Maker’s course which begins on July 8, 2019 and continues for 5 consecutive Mondays. You can sign up using THIS LINK.
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