Rainmaking Recommendation #24: As the Year Comes To A Close. . .

Rainmaking Recommendation #24:  As the Year Comes To A Close. . .

Yes, this Rainmaking Recommendation is a week late (usually they are sent on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month) but I didn’t want 3 weeks to pass without being able to wish you all the happiest holidays and an extremely prosperous new year and to provide an important Rainmaking Tip for you to ponder.

If you do what you have always done, what are you going to get?  The same thing you have always gotten.

What are you going to do differently in 2011?  Start by writing a great Rainmaking Plan.

A great Rainmaking Plan consists of only three things:

  • Specific goals you want to achieve
  • The methods you are going to use to achieve them.
  • Commitment to yourself (and if necessary someone else) that you will reach your target.

What are your goals for 2011?  Write them down.   Studies show that when you write down your goals you are more likely to realize them.   This is because:

  • An unwritten goal is really only a dream and as soon as something else comes into your head (like the brief you have to write) you will lose focus on what you are seeking to attain;
  • It forces you to clearly define your goals; and
  • It enables you to begin clearly thinking about the actions you need to take to achieve these goals

As the year comes to an end, take some time to write down the things you want to learn, have and earn in the New Year.

Happy Holidays to all.

Rainmaking Recommendations are sent the first and third Wednesdays of the month.  They are bite size tips that, when implemented will cause you to make rain. To learn more about Rainmaking, Goal Setting and Achieving the Life you want as an Attorney please contact Jaimie B. Field, Esq. If you would like to have these tips sent directly to your in box, please sign up here.

Did you know you can schedule an in-house, customized Rainmaking training workshop for your law firm? begin telephone or Skype individual rainmaking training from wherever you are in the world with Jaimie? Call or email for more information.

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