Rainmaking Recommendation # 175: Getting to Know You: Using Google Alerts to Find/Know Your Clients

The last Rainmaking Recommendation discussed the benefits of using social media monitoring to grow your book of business.  In this recommendation, I will be showing you how to find and learn more about your current and prospective clients. There are people out there who are having conversations every single day on the internet.  In some […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #174: Using Social Listening/Monitoring to Build Your Book of Business – Part 1

Have you ever thought about using social monitoring to build your book of business? Social monitoring/listening is using tools, like Google Alerts, Social Mention, Talkwalker, Mention (to name a scant few) to monitor what is on the internet based on specific queries that you set up. Many of them are free of charge or offer a freemium version (a less […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #172: A Rainmaking Exercise (Literally)

I have three embarrassing admissions: First, I wrote this article three years ago for Legal Ink Magazine and still have not done much about it, so I have decided to update it and try again. Second, I am writing this because I really need it, probably more than a lot of the readers. And finally, […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #171: If Content is King, What Happens When……

If content is king, what happens when you get writers’ block? You are staring at a blank white screen on your computer, your hands poised nervously over the computer keyboard (or if you are old school, the  8”x14” yellow legal pad with a pen in your hands) waiting for some inspiration to hit you. I […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #170: Dress the Part

I may get my butt handed to me on a silver platter for this post, but I will still write this because I truly believe what I am about to say: Attorneys have to go back to dressing like professionals! “Casual Fridays” have become week-long events.  Attorneys wearing shredded jeans, graphic (and in one recent […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #169: Social Media Marketing v. Social Media Networking

One of the things that I haven’t discussed in a deeper manner is how to use various social media networking sites for Rainmaking Purposes.  I have touched on the fact that if you use social media you need to take the relationship from online to off in order to allow you to create the relationships […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #168: You Can’t Outsource Relationships

Lately, I have been seeing tons of ads on Facebook and LinkedIn touting the services of various law firm and legal marketing experts and consultants who promise you that you will get “10 new clients a month” or “done for you marketing services which will create a Million Dollar Law firm” or any other pie […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #167: Networking Everywhere

Monday, February 4th was my birthday.  (Yes, this is a shameless plug for you to send me belated birthday wishes.) After a long day at the office, I went to see my favorite musician play at a wonderful location in New York City.  The interesting thing about his location is that it is sort of […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #166: It’s Mind over Matter

Those who know me know that I am obsessed with personal & business development.  Since I was 18 years old I have been reading books by Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peal, Dale Carnegie, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Florence Scovill Shinn, and so many others.  I have a library of thousands of books and recorded programs […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #165: You Have to Change For Rainmaking Success

A brand new year had started and you are being given a blank slate upon which to write another chapter of your life story. I get excited whenever a New Year comes around because it reminds me of the expectations I have for a great new year.  Particularly since 2018 was not an easy year […]