Rainmaking Recommendation # 119: Halfway There or Halfway Gone? (And an Offer)

Look at the calendar!  Are you as shocked as I that half a year is already in the history books? Today officially begins the last six months of the year.  To be brutally honest, particularly with myself, I haven’t accomplished all of the goals I have set out to achieve up to this point this […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #118: Think You Don’t Have The Time To Tweet?

While I am loathe to have people compare themselves to others, I have often written about the fact that the phrase “I don’t have the time” is one of the worst excuses for not marketing your legal services or becoming a rainmaker. Are you busier than the Chairman of an AMLAW 100 firm?  Do you […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #117: How to Destroy Your Reputation This Summer

Can you believe that we are almost at the unofficial start of the summer?  Memorial Day is coming up and with it, lots of summertime parties, industry conventions and business events. However, it is also a great time to destroy your reputation with “just one more”.   Yes, I am talking about alcohol.  Like the holiday […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 116: Is Networking For Business Obsolete?

Many attorneys, with whom I work, have told me that networking is not working for them.  To which I say:  “You are doing it wrong.” Most attorneys, and actually most people, attend networking events and collect business cards. Then, they expect their phones to ring with new business pouring in.  That’s not the way it […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 115: Be Amazing!

Being a good lawyer is not enough. Being a great lawyer is not enough. Be an amazing lawyer! According to Google the definition of “Amazing” is “causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.” So, when was the last time you created great surprise or wonder when it comes to your clients?  Your referral sources?  Your prospective […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #114: 5 Reasons to Care About Your Online Presence

Recently, I have spoken with a few attorneys who have said that they have no interest in promoting themselves online. These were a few of their reasons: They wanted to have privacy; They didn’t want to have to do the work necessary to keep their online presence up-to-date; They didn’t have the time; and They […]

You CAN Become a Rainmaker! (Time Sensitive)

You have heard that old gem:  “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it make a sound?”  The same goes for creating a book of business.  You may be a great lawyer, but if no one knows you exist, how can you have a practice.  Face it, being a […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #113: Get Over It!

I recently wrote a blog post asking whether every law firm should require their attorneys to become marketers and Rainmakers. This was based on a new mandate by one of the largest law firms in the United States, Quinn Emmanuel, now requiring their associates to do a ‘marketing project’ in order to become eligible for […]

Should Law Firms Require All Attorneys To Become Marketers?

Last week, Above the Law, published a post entitled:  “Top Law Firm Withholding Bonuses Unless Associates Do a ‘Marketing Project’”.  The post explained that Quinn Emmanuel, one of the top law firms in the United States, sent an email to all of its attorneys stating that it is going to require its associates to complete […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #112: Why Can’t They Sleep?

Sometimes it’s tough to walk a mile in their shoes – we are so busy taking care of our own lives that it is difficult to think about what worries your clients most. As attorneys, we are tasked with trying to help people with their legal woes.  Whether it is about their business or whether […]