Rainmaking Recommendation #274: New Year, New You?

Welcome to the new year! Somehow we believe that when the clock strikes midnight on January 1, we will magically be different people this new year. And so we dream of how much easier this year will be than last.  The thing is, you are the same person you were at 11:59 pm on December […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #273: Why Client Development is Going to be More Critical in 2023

In March 2020, the world went into lockdown because of the Covid virus. And the legal industry braced for the adverse effects this would cause them.  Instead, the legal industry did amazingly well. Hiring was up, lateral job movement was happening almost non-stop, and Big Law gave first-year associates $215,000 a year to start working […]

Cancer & Communication: What Lawyers Who Want to Be Rainmakers Need To Know

What a difference a year makes On December 26, 2021, the day after Christmas, I slipped and fell, breaking two ribs. At the hospital, they discovered that I had lung cancer that had metastasized to the brain. At this hospital, they performed brain surgery, a lobectomy (lung surgery), cyberknife treatments, and chemotherapy over the course […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #272: Jealous of Others’ Success??

Daily, during the business week, I receive the Darren Daily email. The Darren Daily email is a short, usually under 5 minutes, video in which Darren Hardy, a success mentor to business owners, provides lessons (like Rainmaking Recommendations)  to help you grow your business. The video a few weeks ago (and each video is only […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #271: Rainmakers are Psychic!

For 20 years of working solely with lawyers to teach them client and business development, I have said this phrase so many times that if I were paid a nickel for each of these times, I would have a whole host of nickels. That phrase is: It’s not about you; it’s about them.  You have […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #270: TMI on LinkedIn?

A topic that is being hotly debated in several groups to which I belong is the change that LinkedIn has undergone since I began using it in December 2004.  When I first began using the site, it was used almost exclusively for professional networking, career development, and recruiting for new jobs. And while that still […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #269: Compound Interest

I am currently reading Darren Hardy’s book, The Compound Effect. I’m even participating in his summer reading challenge of the book beginning July 17, 2022. The book’s premise is that each little thing you do, good or bad, adds up and compounds until the results are evident. There are so many examples of this, but […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #268: Your Compensation May Depend Upon It

In June of 2022, Above the Law’s Kathyrn Rubino wrote an article entitled, Biglaw Firm Slashes Salaries of Associates Who Aren’t Busy Enough.   In it, she detailed how AMLAW firm Steptoe & Johnson was going to reduce the pay of certain associates who were not meeting the performance expectations of the firm. In another article, […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #267: It’s Not Too Late To Save 2022

“You can’t go back and make a new start, but you can start right now and make a brand new ending.”? James R. Sherman, Rejection There are less than 2 days left of the first half of 2022.  How are your goals coming along?  Do you have any goals?  If not, you can still salvage your year regardless […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #266: There’s No Such Thing as a Former Client

In the last Rainmaking Recommendation, I discussed seven reliable ways to build your book of business. One of the ways was to contact your former clients. But, what I didn’t say is that there really is no such thing as former clients – only former matters.  A true rainmaker keeps in touch with everyone regularly […]