What a Waste of Webinar!

Webinars and teleseminars are a great way to increase your knowledge in your chosen practice area, in business development and in areas in which you are interested.  In fact, a number of CLE providers now offer affordable ways to earn your required continuing legal education credits just by watching your computer monitor. Webinars and teleseminars […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 62: I’m too busy

Have you ever used the excuse:  “I’m too busy.” Really? How busy are you?  Have you ever tried to figure out where you are spending your time? Are you really so busy that you cannot find 15 to 30 minutes in your day to do one activity that could build your book of business? One […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #61: Who did you Meet Today?

Just meeting one new person can have the potential for creating the type of legal practice you have always wanted. Why?  Because that one person can introduce you to hundreds of other people who may need your services. Yes, you can meet that person online on a social networking site (think Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter).  You […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #60: Because the Bed Won’t Come to You

Q:  Why do you have to go to bed at night?  A:  Because the bed won’t come to you! Okay, I know it’s a really bad kindergarten joke (I hope you are smiling), but the point is that clients won’t always just come to you.  You have to “go” to them. Where do you find […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 59: “If you always do what you’ve always done. . .”

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Henry Ford (1863-1947), American founder of the Ford Motor Company The above quote is in response to a question I received from a new client who has been practicing law for more than 15 years who, in our first coaching […]

Stick With What You Know!

Recently, on many of the social networks which I frequent, I have noticed attorneys asking questions about practice areas in which they obviously do not practice.  Usually this is from a solo practitioner or small firm attorney.  The post inevitably starts with: “I have potential clients who needs . . .” and continues to ask […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #58: May I have your Card?

Look on the corner of your desk or open that top drawer – is there a stack of business cards you’ve collected during networking events? Pull the cards out and start going through them.  Do you remember who any of these people are? First, cull through the list of cards and throw out any card […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 57: Create your own Networking Group

What type of law do you practice?  What industry do you target?   In each area of practice there is a list of people who work in the same in industry who do not practice law.  People like accountants, psychologists/therapists, and other vendors who concentrate on the same group of people/businesses you are trying to reach […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #56: The Golden Rule

Everyone knows The Golden Rule:  “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.”   It is oft repeated; it is said in many ways in every religious belief.  It is taught to us by our parents when we are children even if we are not brought up with a religious background (“Treat others the […]

Rainmaking: Out of the Mouths of In-House Counsel

Lindsay Griffiths is a friend of mine.   She is also the Director of Global Relationship Management for the International Lawyers Network (ILN), a consortium of independent law firms across the world. In March, Lindsay went to the Legal Marketing Association’s annual convention in Grapevine, Tx and blogged about her time there.   In one of her […]