Rainmaking Recommendation #265: The 7 Reliable Sources of Potential Clients

You can find clients almost anywhere.  You can meet them standing in line. You can meet them via articles and blogs. You can meet them at conferences and educational webinars/seminars. The point is that your clients are right outside your door – whether it’s the door to your office or the door to your house. […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #264: “If Opportunity Doesn’t Knock, Build a Door”

The title of this Rainmaking Recommendation is a quote attributed to comedian Milton Berle. And it stems from the idea most people believe that opportunity is a matter of luck or talent. But that simply isn’t so. I’m sure you know several people whom you view, scratching your head thinking, “I am smarter/more talented/etc. then […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #263: F*CK CANCER or Rainmaking Lessons Learned During a Health Crisis

This Rainmaking Recommendation may be a bit lengthy. Still, I need to tell you why you haven’t heard from me that often in about eight months and how that ties into the actual Rainmaking Recommendation for today and the lessons learned. At the end of October 2021, I began experiencing dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Having […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 262: Happy New Year, Once more!

It’s been a while since I sent you a Rainmaking Recommendation. Without getting into the nitty gritty, I have been dealing with some health issues that were finally diagnosed and with which I am tackling and getting better.  But, this means that I have missed my annual Happy New Year post, which explains that you […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #261 – May I have your permission?

It’s 2021, and I cannot believe that this has to be said – AGAIN!  Get permission to market yourself and your services to others.  In 1999, more than two decades ago, Seth Godin wrote a book entitled Permission Marketing.  He details that advertisements, telemarketing, and traditional advertising are really “interruption marketing” designed to take our […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #260: The Four Ds of Rainmaking

I am a fan of Ernestine Shepherd.  Who, you ask?  Ernestine Shepherd is the World’s oldest female bodybuilder; at what she says is a young 85 years old.  She is incredible.  At the age of 56, while trying on bathing suits (which women around the World dread doing), she and her sister starting laughing at […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #259: Law Firm Brand or Lawyer Brand?

Which is more important? The law firm’s brand or the lawyer’s personal brand? The answer is not quite as simple as one or the other – particularly in midsize to large law firms.  Let’s start off with a quick explanation of what constitutes a brand.  First, a little history: in the west, cattle ranchers used […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #258: Thought Leadership is Still Important

Recently, Dan Packel published an article in The American Lawyer entitled: In a Landscape Flooded With Law Firms’ ‘Thought Leadership,’ Quantity Isn’t the Same as Quality (Subscription Required). The article discussed the fact that the quantity of legal content has exponentially increased, particularly since the start of the pandemic.  And, I agree with the premise […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #257: The 2 Most Powerful Phrases a Rainmaker Can Learn

Two phrases will take a Rainmaker further than any other.  No, it’s not “alternative billing” or “free consultation” (although those aren’t bad phrases).  The two phrases are:  “Thank You” and “I’m Sorry” For some reason, these seem to be the most challenging phrases for many humans to say.  I’ve written about this before, but it […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #256: Dealing With Rejection

You’ve spoken to a potential client, and they seem to like you. Or maybe, you’ve sent out an RFP and been chosen to discuss your proposal with the potential client(s) who sent out the offer. Or maybe you’ve gotten a tentative yes to work with someone you consider an ideal client. Or maybe, you’ve sent […]