Rainmaking Recommendation #255: You Still Have Time!

It’s the first day of September.  Let me repeat that in case you missed it –  IT. IS. THE. FIRST. DAY. OF. SEPTEMBER! I don’t know about you, but this year seems to be flying by faster than most.  I am not sure if it is the fact that we are still dealing with a […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #254: One Small Thing

This is a very short Rainmaking Recommendation, but it is there to remind you to start now! I know you are busy, but you can find 15 minutes in your day to do one small thing in terms of business development.  That one small thing starts to add up; like compound interest.  This reminds me […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #253: Stop, Collaborate and Listen

For those young ’uns who don’t know, the title of this Rainmaking Recommendation is the first line from the song, Ice, Ice Baby (1990) by Vanilla Ice*.  No, I am not a fan, but while trying to think of a Rainmaking Recommendation for this week, this became an earworm.  An earworm is the slang term […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #252: Don’t Look to Your Marketing Department, Look to Yourself

Your marketing department is not responsible for bringing you new business.  They are there to assist you. If you are in a firm with a marketing person or even a department, you must understand what they do.  When a law firm hires legal marketers, particularly a mid-size firm or large firm, those people are there […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #251: Follow the G.O.A.T.

Have you been watching the Olympics?  I’ve been watching, but maybe not as avidly as I have done in the past.  The one event that I and millions of others have been watching since the games began is women’s gymnastics.  I can safely say that everyone who was going to watch was there to see […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #250: A Deeper Dive Into Rainmaking Tactics (Part 4 – Writing)

In Rainmaking Recommendation #249, I explained that two of the best tactics you could use were public speaking and writing for showcasing your knowledge.  And while that Rainmaking Recommendation delved into public speaking, this one dives into writing. As attorneys, we are trained as writers.  Literally.  I don’t know any law school that doesn’t have […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #249: A Deeper Dive Into Rainmaking Tactics (Part 3 – Public Speaking)

The two most incredible ways to showcase your knowledge are public speaking and writing.  And if you are not doing one or the other, or even both, you are doing yourself a disservice as a potential Rainmaker.  The internet has become a fixture in our lives and a necessity because of the pandemic of 2020. […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #248: A Deeper Dive into Rainmaking Tactics (Part 2 – Ideal Clients)

1,327,910 That’s how many lawyers there are in the United States according to the American Bar Association’s 2021 Demographics.  437,540 That’s the number of law firms in the United States in which many of those attorneys practice.   These are huge numbers!  How do you find a way to get new clients when there are so […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #247- Halfway (and A Special Offer)

We interrupt the information on Rainmaking Tactics to provide you with this little announcement: THE YEAR IS HALFWAY OVER! Look at the calendar!  Are you as shocked as I that half a year is already in the history books? Granted, the past 16 months have been like none other we have experienced, but still. . […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #246: A Deeper Dive Into Rainmaking Tactics (Part 1 – Goals)

In the last Rainmaking Recommendation, I provided a listicle of 22 different methods to use for Rainmaking Success.  As promised, I will provide a deeper dive into how to use these tactics so that you can become the Rainmaker you wish to be. For the almost 20 years that I have been coaching attorneys, there […]