Rainmaking Recommendation #245: A Listicle of 22 Different Tactics to Use for Rainmaking Success

One of the most requested pieces of information for which I am asked is a list of different marketing and business development tactics you could use to Market your services, and Create relationships. So, without further ado, and a promise to go dive deeper into each tactic for future rainmaking recommendations, here is a list […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #244: Summer’s Here and the Time is Right . . .

I am a classic rock fanatic! I love rock-n-roll music from the 50s through the 80s.  And the song Dancing in The Streets, from which the title of this post comes arises, has been swimming around my head for the past few days  (shout out to Martha and the Vandellas, or David Bowie & Mick […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #243: Remote or In-Office: Does it matter for Rainmaking?

Many conversations are being held by law firms’ management committees, which ask should we require our attorneys to come back to the office?  Should we allow them to continue to work remotely? Should we institute hybrid schedules?  In my humble opinion, any law firm that requires attorneys to return to the office will soon find […]

Rainmaking Recommendation 242: How Many Psychiatrists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one, but the lightbulb has to want to change. I know it’s a terrible joke, but it is apropos to what I want to discuss in this very short Rainmaking Recommendation. In the almost 20 years I have been in business, I have worked […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #241: Relationships Matter

“Calling the legal industry “relationship based” is cliché, but that’s because it’s true.” So begins a recent article by Nathan Cemenska, JD, MBA entitled, Comment: Is the legal industry about personal relationships or B2B relationships?  We’re about to find out.  In it, the author discusses that the legal industry has been trying to evolve from […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #240: How Are You Doing?

This may seem like a strange Rainmaking Recommendation, but I have a question for you? How are you doing? I ask because May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and the first week in May is Well Being Week In Law (WWIL).  It’s also because mindset is probably one of the most important aspects of becoming […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #239: 10 Ways to Meet Your Prospective Ideal Clients

Prospective Ideal clients – these are the people and businesses with whom you would like to do business.  But often, I am asked the question: What if they already have a lawyer or law firm with which they work?  My answer is quite simple:  “So what?”  This answer is because there are so many reasons […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #238: Tell Me Why

LinkedIn usage is up considerably since the beginning of the pandemic.  According to statistics, the number of conversations on LinkedIn rose 55% in 2020, and the amount of content creation that was shared was up by 60%.  All statistics regarding this B2B platform have all gone through the roof.  At least that’s what the stats […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #237: When Is It Too Much Information?

This Rainmaking Recommendation is a result of a Facebook posting in which someone I know said it was no one’s business whether or not they were going to receive, or had received, Covid Vaccines.  And while I agreed, it is no one’s business unless you make it their business, I also said that I was […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #236: How to Spend Your time on Rainmaking (the Pandemic Edition)

Way back in 2013, I wrote a blog entitled: The Mathematics of Time for Rainmaking.  In it, I dispelled the myth that I hear from my clients who are in Mid-market and Big Law firms: “I don’t have the time to do Rainmaking.” So, I showed you how much time you really did have. Let’s […]