Rainmaking Recommendation #103: How do you want to finish the year?

Can you believe it?  Today is the first day of the last quarter of the year!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/Freedigitalphotos.net

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/Freedigitalphotos.net

Why is it when we were kids the time between September and June felt interminable, yet as an adult you wake up and all of a sudden it’s October 1st?

How do you want to finish the year?

All of those New Year’s Resolutions, all of those ambitions you promised to achieve, it’s still not too late to achieve your goals you had planned for the year.  You can still accomplish what you would like before December 31st.

First, you need to look back on what you have been doing over the past 9 months and make the decision to do things differently than you have been doing.  There is an oft repeated cliché which says “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

If what you have been doing with regard to your Rainmaking isn’t working, then change what you are doing.  More importantly, if you aren’t doing anything at all, then do something!

Second, you need a plan.  If you wrote your Rainmaking plan, which I hope you did, at the beginning of the year but stuck it in the drawer, then pull it out, dust it off and determine what you can reasonably get accomplished in the next three months.   If you don’t have a plan, then take the time to write out what you want to attain and how you are going to achieve it.

And finally, get going!  You have to take action.  Just sitting around waiting for potential clients to find you doesn’t work.  If people don’t know who you are, or what you do, they will never hire you.  Start today to market your services, meet new people both on and off line, and reconnect with your referrals sources to create the relationships which will lead to new business.

To sound like a Nike commercial – “Just do it!”

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