Rainmaking Recommendation #107: What’s Going to Be Different?

This is the last Rainmaking Recommendation of the year.  In two weeks we will start a new year.  This is when people make promises, usually called resolutions, which they will never keep.

In fact, according to the University of Scranton in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, about 45% of Americans usually make resolutions, but only 8% of all people are successful in reaching their goals.  The question is:  What’s going to be different this year for you?

You want to be a Rainmaker in 2015? rainmaking man

  • You need to make the decision that you are going to learn everything you need to know to become one.
  • You need to write down the goals you wish to achieve so that you can choose the actions you are going to take.
  • You need to decide that you are going to commit to the activities and actions on a consistent and constant basis that you will undertake that will create the practice you want.
  • You need to determine what’s stopping you and what it is costing you each year that you do not do the things you need to do to become the Rainmaker you would like to be.
  • You need to be accountable – whether it’s to yourself or someone else. If holding yourself accountable is difficult for you, find a mentor, a colleague, or a coach who will hold you accountable for the promises you made to yourself to become the Rainmaker you wish to be.

In short, the only way that the New Year is going to be different from last year is if you decide to make it different and take the actions that will make it so.

Remember, the oft quoted Albert Einstein definition of insanity:  “Doing the same things but expecting different result.”

Be one of the 8% and do something different than you did last year!


A quick note for you:  I am grateful to all of the subscribers, clients, and people I have met (whether in real life or virtually)  this year who have helped me in any way.  Over the course of the next year, there will be some major changes made to Marketing Field, LLC including a new company name, brand, and service/products being offered to help you ethically grow your book of business.   What will not change is my availability to you as a resource and friend.  If you ever have any questions about Rainmaking or Legal Marketing, please feel free to send me an email or contact me.  I will always respond. 

Happy Holidays and an AMAZING New Year!

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