Despite all of the cracks around the country about New Jersey, it is called the Garden State for a reason. We have some of the most amazing fresh fruits and vegetables in the United States. A bounty of harvested produce makes it way, each year, from June to November, to various farmers markets across the […]
What Attorneys Can Learn From the Pregnant Restaurateur about Client Service
Rainmaking Recommendation # 80: They Think I’m a Pest
The part of Rainmaking that I try to pound into my client’s heads is “follow up, follow up, follow up”. But how many times should you try to get in touch with someone before you become a pest? There is no magic number. While some may say 3 times, others say 6 times and some […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 73: Birthday Wishes
Monday, February 4th was my birthday. I’m not saying this to get more birthday wishes. In fact, I received: 183 wishes on Facebook – to which I responded individually to each person with a thank you, 5 birthday phone calls – 4 of them from my family members, 3 physical birthday cards (I remember when […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 72: For the Price of A Cup of Coffee
Rainmaking does not have to cost a lot of money. Many attorneys are spending tens of thousands of dollars on websites, SEO tactics, listing services which promise 30 clients in 30 days, buying books on Rainmaking that they don’t actually implement (or worse – don’t read), and this is just a short list. In fact, […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 59: “If you always do what you’ve always done. . .”
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Henry Ford (1863-1947), American founder of the Ford Motor Company The above quote is in response to a question I received from a new client who has been practicing law for more than 15 years who, in our first coaching […]
Stick With What You Know!
Recently, on many of the social networks which I frequent, I have noticed attorneys asking questions about practice areas in which they obviously do not practice. Usually this is from a solo practitioner or small firm attorney. The post inevitably starts with: “I have potential clients who needs . . .” and continues to ask […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #58: May I have your Card?
Look on the corner of your desk or open that top drawer – is there a stack of business cards you’ve collected during networking events? Pull the cards out and start going through them. Do you remember who any of these people are? First, cull through the list of cards and throw out any card […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 57: Create your own Networking Group
What type of law do you practice? What industry do you target? In each area of practice there is a list of people who work in the same in industry who do not practice law. People like accountants, psychologists/therapists, and other vendors who concentrate on the same group of people/businesses you are trying to reach […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #56: The Golden Rule
Everyone knows The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” It is oft repeated; it is said in many ways in every religious belief. It is taught to us by our parents when we are children even if we are not brought up with a religious background (“Treat others the […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 51: “I didn’t know you did that”
“Why don’t clients come back?” Recently, I received an email from a litigation attorney from Connecticut who asked the question above and about following up with clients following the conclusion of representation. It seems that some clients of the firm who seemed happy with the work the attorneys were doing were going elsewhere for subsequent […]