The Biggest Rainmaking Myth

There are a lot of articles debating whether Rainmakers are born or bred.  There are studies that have been done asserting that there are specific character traits can that make a person a Rainmaker which are quoted all over the internet.

The biggest myth?  Rainmakers are Born.

For 15 years, I have truly believed that every attorney has the ability to become a rainmaker.  In fact, it has been my tagline and my mission since I started my company:

Rainmakers are Not Born, They are Taught™

I have personally taught numerous attorneys business development skills and seen many of them become great rainmakers in their own rights.  Each of these attorneys have had different personalities, different practices, different desires and needs, but each has been able to create the law practice they wanted because of the most important thing necessary to become a rainmaker:  They were willing to do the work.

In the real world of legal practice, successful marketing and business development is based on a set of skills. Although some people, because of personality or personal interest, acquire these skills more quickly or feel more comfortable exercising them, these skills can be learned and mastered by anyone.

Remember, you didn’t know how to be a lawyer when you started.  You began acquiring the skills necessary, worked on them every single day and became a better lawyer over time.

The main thing to understand is that Rainmaking, like any other skill, takes practice.

Even so-called prodigies need to practice to get better at what they do.  James Clear, who studies  and writes about “successful people across a wide range of disciplines — entrepreneurs, artists, athletes, and more — to uncover the habits and routines that make these people the best at what they do,” wrote a great article on deliberate practice.

Clear writes:

“Deliberate practice refers to a special type of practice that is purposeful and systematic.”

In order to become a Rainmaker, you have to be open to learning the tactics and techniques.  Then, you must be willing to use these tactics and techniques on a constant and consistent basis – to create a business development habit.

The Rainmaker Personality:

What about the fact that when most lawyers think of Rainmakers, they envision the attorney with a huge ego and outgoing personality.  They picture the gregarious, sociable extrovert.  But, after working with attorneys, some of whom are self-proclaimed shy people, I have found that being an extrovert is not the only way to become a rainmaker.  Introverts have the ability to learn to bring in new business as well.

Rainmaking is as much about attitude as it is about aptitude.  Not believing that they can be good at marketing or business development, too many lawyers discourage themselves from even trying.  Sometimes are discouraged even by colleagues, pundits and consultants.  You have to believe that you have the ability to bring in new business.

You must be willing to risk being rejected, you have to be willing to fall on your face a few times but get right back up.

Not every potential client is going to be drawn to the outgoing personality that many lawyers believe that all Rainmakers have.   People do business with people they know, like and trust.  It is about learning the tools and techniques that fit your personality and not trying to be something you are not.

Rainmaking is about creating relationships which lead to new business or referrals.  And regardless of whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, if you have any social skills at all you can create relationships with others.

Are Rainmakers Born? 

Most definitely, yes!  But they can become even better rainmakers with the right training.

Can Rainmakers be Taught?

Absolutely!  As long as they are willing to take risks, acquire the right habits, and be consistent with their business development activities, every attorney can learn to bring in new business.


If you would like a 30 minute complimentary, no obligation, no sales pitch “Rocket Your Rainmaking” coaching session, please contact Jaimie B. Field, Esq.




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