There Is No One Way To Rainmaking Success

Cordell Parvin, an amazing Rainmaking Coach and Trainer, (who is a brand new friend and whom I have sought to emulate as a role model – although he didn’t know that but now will), recently wrote an fantastic blog post, Client Development Coaching: You will learn what will work for you

He wrote:

“One of the most important things I can do as a coach is help each lawyer find what will work most effectively for him or her.  Many lawyers I coach come into the coaching with pre-conceived stereotypes of rainmakers and fear they cannot be successful because they are not like that stereotype. My job is to help those lawyers see their own path to success.”

This is a mission and philosophy I share.

Often I am asked by prospective coaching clients whether I have a set formula or modules for coaching them to rainmaking success.  I always give them the attorney answer:  “Sort Of” (we attorneys never say “Yes” or “No” but always try to think of all of the shades of grey in between those black and white answers).

While there are definitely things I want to teach them which will help them grow their books of business, like setting effective goals, the various tactics they can use to achieve them, the attitudes necessary, as Cordell wrote, each attorney is different.    I work with attorneys by moving at their own pace, not mine.

I would never begin by suggesting to an attorney who has a phobia of speaking in front of audience to start giving speeches, nor would I suggest that someone who hates to write begin blogging.  These are only two of many different tactics which are effective – but there are so many out there which could be used to grow a book of business.

I will, however, try to get them out of their comfort zones.   The Glossophobe may be steered towards a Toast Masters group, an organization which helps individuals learn public speaking skills in small groups in a supportive and trusting atmosphere.   A discussion will be held with the Scriptophobe to find out why they don’t want to write and help them to find more effective ways to express themselves.

Each attorney that I work with has their own personality, so there is no set program which I use – what is effective for one, may not be effective for others.

While this blog post may seem self-serving, the fact that I am trying to get across is that there is no one way to Rainmaking success.  Comparing yourself to the Rainmaker in the corner office and trying to copy what he or she does when it goes against your personality will lead to frustration and failure.  Find the methods that work with your personality and go with it.

The only thing that I insist upon is a true desire to become a Rainmaker.  If you are not willing to do the work necessary, I don’t want you to spend your money going to seminars, buying books or even hiring me.

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