Rainmaking Recommendation # 155: You Have to Want It!

Rainmaking is as much of a mind-set as it is a skill set. You can learn the skills necessary to market your services and position yourself as an authority to your ideal clients. You can be taught how to network, how to use social media, how to blog or create videos, how to give excellent […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #140: Enlightened Rainmaking™

No, this is not about sitting down in a lotus position and meditating (although I do advocate the practice if you so choose).  This is about using a technique or tactic for educating your potential clients, referral sources and clients about the work you do in a way that allows them to come to you. […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #96: YOU Are a Brand

Regardless of whether you are in a large, midsize or small firm or a solo practitioner, you have a brand. In fact, you ARE a brand.  And personal branding is becoming more and more important in the second decade of the 21st century.   What your personal brand is:  Your personal brand is what people think of […]