Rainmaking Recommendation # 147: Instant Gratification

We all want it now, now, now! Instant messaging, Instant movie downloads on Netflix or Amazon, Same day delivery, even Instant oatmeal We have become impatient with everything. If your website takes too long to load, people will abandon it. If the article looks too long, we will skim it first to decide whether we […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #146 New Year’s Resolutions (aka Decisions, Decision, Decisions)

Happy New Year! Did you make any New Year’s resolutions for this year? Have you ever made any resolutions in the past?  How many of them did you actually keep? One of the definitions of resolution, according to the Oxford English Dictionary is:                  a firm decision to […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #145: The Most Important Question the Candidates aren’t Answering

This is not a commentary on the candidates for President this year.  I will not be telling you how to vote or for whom I am casting my ballot. When I was in college and in law school, to make extra money, I would tend bar.  The very first thing I was taught when I […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #144: Sorry Seems to Be The Hardest Word

(Originally posted at Legal Ink Magazine) With all due respect to Sir Elton John for usurping his song title, why is it so difficult for some people to apologize? Recently, someone posted a message to private legal social media forum, of which I am a member, which violated the policies of the forum. That person was […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #143: Client Feedback – Scary but Necessary

One of the scariest things to do is ask a client “how am I doing as your lawyer? Yet, that feedback, good or bad, is something you need to obtain so that you can get better at what you do. Recently, I have been having an issue with my office phone.  For the past 2 […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #142: The “Key” to Creating Content That Gets Read

In the last Rainmaking Recommendation, I provided an infographic which detailed the amount of data/content that is created and posted on the internet every minute of every day. With all of the videos being uploaded, with all of the blogs posted, with all of the social media being used, how do you get found when […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #141: How to Become an Enlightened Rainmaker™

In the last Rainmaking Recommendation, I discussed the idea of Enlightened Rainmaking™.  As I explained, this is using tactics or techniques to educate or “enlighten” your prospective clients, referral sources and clients about what you do in a way that allows them to come to you. Enlightened Rainmaking begins with creating content and information laden […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #140: Enlightened Rainmaking™

No, this is not about sitting down in a lotus position and meditating (although I do advocate the practice if you so choose).  This is about using a technique or tactic for educating your potential clients, referral sources and clients about the work you do in a way that allows them to come to you. […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #139: Speech, Speech!

  You’ve been asked to present a seminar!  This is great news because public speaking can be a fantastic way to create a book of business. So you’ve given your presentation and you were amazing.  Why aren’t the phones ringing with new clients clamoring for your services? There may be a number of reasons why […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #138: The Robots are Coming! The Robots are Coming!

There is a lot of chatter lately about whether the legal industry is going to be taken over by technology.  Are lawyers in danger of becoming obsolete? In 2016, the answer is no.  However, that doesn’t mean that certain tasks in which attorneys are currently engaged won’t be taken over by the rise of the machines. In […]