Rainmaking Recommendation #137: It’s Up To You

I want to kick you in the proverbial butt. For far too long, you have been wanting, wishing, hoping to grow your book of business.  You have attended seminars, read books, watched webinars, read blog post after blog post.  You have looked for the silver bullet, the newest thing.  You have been promised that if […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #136: Ask!

The past few Rainmaking Recommendations have focused on building referrals. However, the one thing that I haven’t told you to do to get more referrals is to just ask for them. What’s the worst thing that can happen? They say no. But what if – just what if – you have been a great referral […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #135: Create a “Breakfast Club” for Referrals

Last year, the movie “The Breakfast Club” celebrated its 30th anniversary. For those who haven’t seen it (and I cannot image that is a lot of people), it is about 5 high school students from different walks of life who get sentenced to a Saturday detention where they find they have a lot more in common than […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #133: Strategic Referral Partnerships

For the past few Rainmaking Recommendations we have been taking about referrals: That referrals can become the lifeblood of your practice, The psychology of referrals, and How to tell people what you do to get more referrals. Today, I want to discuss Strategic Referral Partnerships. Strategic Referral Partners are the companies and individuals who are […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #132: Want More Referrals? Do They Know What You Do?

When asked by someone – whether at a party, a networking event, at a family reunion – “what do you do?”, too many attorneys answer: “I’m a lawyer.”  Or maybe you switch it up and say: “I’m a __________ (fill in practice area) attorney. You and 1.3 million other people who practice law in the […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #131: The Psychology of Referrals

In the last Rainmaking Recommendation, I mentioned that there is one sure fire, free way to grow your book of business – referrals.  I also said that I would continue this conversation so that you create a systematized way to get the best referrals from clients, prospects and referral sources. However, in order to move […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #130: The Lifeblood of Your Rainmaking

  Did you know there is one sure-fire, really easy, totally free way to grow your book of business? Referrals. Yet, for many attorneys, the referrals are not coming on a regular basis.  Why? Well, there are many reasons why you don’t get referrals, but let’s start with this one: You do not have systems […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #129: Small Steps Add Up

For arguments sake, let’s just say you have worked on an individual Rainmaking/Marketing Plan for your practice.   Maybe you spent hours on it.  Maybe you went to a class, seminar, webinar, presentation, telling you how to develop a plan specifically designed for you.   Maybe you spent money working with a Rainmaking Trainer and or Coach. […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #128: The Top 5 Excuses for Not Becoming a Rainmaker

A deadly disease is plaguing your legal practice.  It’s called “Excusitis”. Excusitis occurs when you come up with the various reasons why you cannot do something.  Here’s the rub – no matter what excuse you may have, someone has already debunked it. For example, the “I’m too old to ___________ (insert activity here)” excuse.   Age […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 127 – What’s Going To Be Different Next Year?

We are really, really close to the end of the year. It is time to reflect on the past year and determine how you did this year and what you can do better for the next.  However, for most attorneys, the past 365 days were exactly like the 365 days before that. If each year […]