“Rocket Your Rainmaking Success” Complimentary Coaching Session

  Every so often I offer an opportunity to attorneys in the United States to experience what a rainmaking coaching session can do for you. This is my holiday gift to you! If you’ve been struggling to create a book of business and you’d like a major breakthrough, then I’d like to invite you to […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #126: Is a 76% Chance of Success Worth It?

For years, I had erroneously been quoting a study that never existed.  I had heard of this research from some of my personal and business development heroes – Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy.  It was even written about in a book by Mark H. McCormack, What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School. […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #125: Want More Attorney Referrals? Create Your Legal Referral Network

I am a member of a group of people and companies who provide services to the legal industry in New Jersey, The Legal Vendors Network (the group will be rebranded in 2016 so stay tuned for the new name and services provided).  The interesting thing about this group is that there is only one member in each […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 124: Taking It To The Next level

This is an incredibly short Rainmaking Recommendation.  But nevertheless, it could be one of the most important factors to your Rainmaking success.  It starts with an actual question that was asked by one of my Rainmaking Coaching Clients:  “How do I turn a relationship from ‘I know you’ to ‘I trust you?’   I have […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #123: Fish Where the Fish You Want to Catch Are

I know the title seems obvious; however, you’d be surprised at how many attorneys are casting their lines (i.e. marketing and rainmaking) in locations where they will never find clients for their practice.  They are practicing random acts of networking, writing articles which don’t create authority, wasting time on social media marketing without a plan, […]

What’s Your Personal Legal Brand?

There is something you truly need to know – you already have a brand, whether you like it or not. Your brand is how others perceive you and what you do. Before the internet, it was simply called your reputation and it was localized to your network or friends, colleagues, bosses and clients.  Now, with […]

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Many years ago, one of my colleagues (and friend), Cordell Parvin, provided me the slides to one of his seminars.  And while the topic is not important, what is notable is that one of the slides contained the following truism: “It’s not what you know.  It’s not who you know. It’s not even who knows […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #122:  Networking Not Working?

  “I go to networking events all of the time and I have never gotten a client from it.” “I gave them my business card and they never called.” “I don’t have time to network.” “I hate going to networking events because I don’t like crowds.” “Networking is a waste of time.”   If you […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #121: The Dead Days of Summer Don’t Have to Be Dead

It’s the last few weeks of summer It’s hot . . . Everyone is on vacation . . . For many attorneys this is one of the quietest times of the year (second only to the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day).  For others, they are going on vacations themselves. But this is one […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #120: Put the Phone Away

A few weeks ago, I was meeting with a few members of an executive committee of a law firm about doing Rainmaking Training for their partners and associates.  During the meeting, two of the lawyers were busy looking at their phones.  Whether they were reading emails, on social media or surfing the internet, I am […]