One-quarter of this year is already gone. For most of us in the world, spring is on its way (although on the East Coast of the United States, it seems like this won’t happen). What usually happens in spring? The flowers begin to bloom, the trees get their leaves back, and the world seems to […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #70: How to get there
In Rainmaking Recommendation #67 – Conduct your own Attorney Review you were asked to look back at where you have been. In Rainmaking Recommendation #69 – Dream Big you were asked to determine where you want to go. Rainmaking Recommendation #70 is about how to get there – And this means creating your Rainmaking […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 66: How are you going to get there?
Last night was the 2nd Presidential Debate. Did you watch? Were you struck with the same question I was during the entire event? “How?” Each of the candidates outlined their goals for the country but neither one explained how they were going to do it. What does this have to do with Rainmaking? We all […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #61: Who did you Meet Today?
Just meeting one new person can have the potential for creating the type of legal practice you have always wanted. Why? Because that one person can introduce you to hundreds of other people who may need your services. Yes, you can meet that person online on a social networking site (think Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). You […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #58: May I have your Card?
Look on the corner of your desk or open that top drawer – is there a stack of business cards you’ve collected during networking events? Pull the cards out and start going through them. Do you remember who any of these people are? First, cull through the list of cards and throw out any card […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 57: Create your own Networking Group
What type of law do you practice? What industry do you target? In each area of practice there is a list of people who work in the same in industry who do not practice law. People like accountants, psychologists/therapists, and other vendors who concentrate on the same group of people/businesses you are trying to reach […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #53: What You Don’t Say May Speak Volumes
After an extremely long day with clients, I stopped by my local book store – it’s one of the ways I like to relax. Yes, while I have ebook readers, and the ability to download books onto every device in the world, I am a bit old fashioned. I love the feel of books, of […]
Rainmaking Recommendations #49: Who do YOU want to represent?
All great Rainmakers know the following: You have to love what you do and who your clients are because: When you are in a practice area that you love practicing law does not feel like work; When you love working with your clients they will love working with you. You will actually return calls, and […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 48: Holiday Rainmaking Wishes for You!
Twas 10 days before New Years and all through the firm, Attorney reviews were making them squirm, “Did I create enough business, bill enough hours?” Thanks to Rainmaking Recommendations they had the power To take control of their careers and rest of their life Breathing a sigh of relief, it will all be all right….. […]