Rainmaking Recommendation #90: This IS all about you


Image courtesy of jscreationzs/freedigitalphotos.net

Image courtesy of jscreationzs/freedigitalphotos.net







As the year begins to wind down, you will see blog post after blog post about how to create a goal plan, marketing plan, rainmaking plan.  I have written about it myself many times over the year (see here, here, here, and here).

There are hundreds (and I do mean hundreds) of tactics you can use to grow your book of business.   However, the most important aspect of your plan has to be you.  You have to take your personality into account when you are creating your rainmaking plan.

If public speaking scares the bejeezus out of you, don’t do it.  You will not be effective.  In fact, you may even sabotage your efforts as people will perceive you as being nervous and unable to handle pressure.  If you hate writing, don’t blog.  If going to networking events is abhorrent to you, then don’t go.

What you should do is explore every rainmaking tactic out there and see what fits your personality and is most effective for you.   I do suggest you get out of your comfort zone – network one-on-one, take a public speaking course or join toastmasters, write an article or white page.  You may just find that you are really good at these rainmaking strategies and just let fear stop you.

Rainmaking is a skill that can be taught.  You have to be open to trying different ideas which may just bring you new clients.

But most importantly, be you.

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