Cordell Parvin, an amazing Rainmaking Coach and Trainer, (who is a brand new friend and whom I have sought to emulate as a role model – although he didn’t know that but now will), recently wrote an fantastic blog post, Client Development Coaching: You will learn what will work for you He wrote: “One of […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #30: There Are No Small Cases
Here is the scenario: A prospective client just came to your office. They only need a small matter resolved which you could easily handle. This case will only take you a short amount of time which really doesn’t create much income for you or your firm. Do you take the matter? The answer is always […]
Dead Fish & Vice Grips
Recently at a networking event, I had the distinct displeasure of shaking hands with a dead fish and a pair of vice grips. As a quick aside: When you are at a networking event, first impressions count. From how you are dressed, to how you carry yourself, to the pitch of your voice, all of […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #29: The Power of the Handwritten Note
Do you want to set yourself apart from every other attorney out there? Never underestimate the power of the handwritten note. In an age when most communication is taking place electronically – texts, emails, social media, Skype, phones – rarely do we receive a good old-fashioned handwritten note saying “Thanks for taking the time to […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #27: You’ve Always Been My Favorite
Who’s your favorite client? Why are they your favorite? Take the time to write down all of the attributes of what your favorite client looks like (besides the fact that they pay your bills). Are they in a particular industry? Do they have certain personality characteristics with which you like to work? Is there an […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #26: Schedule your Rainmaking
Rainmaking Recommendation #26: Schedule your Rainmaking While you want to do the Rainmaking activities necessary to obtain new clients, do you find that by the end of the day you haven’t gotten to that particular task? Put it on your calendar. Schedule your Rainmaking Activities like they were an appointment. Whether it is writing a […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #25: “Bright Shiny Object” Syndrome
Do you suffer from “Bright Shiny Object” Syndrome? Does the newest Rainmaking Technique or technology call your name the minute you hear about it? There is nothing wrong with trying a new technique, for example using Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogging, newsletters, etc. to try to reach out to new clients. However, if you are constantly […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #24: As the Year Comes To A Close. . .
Rainmaking Recommendation #24: As the Year Comes To A Close. . . Yes, this Rainmaking Recommendation is a week late (usually they are sent on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month) but I didn’t want 3 weeks to pass without being able to wish you all the happiest holidays and an extremely prosperous […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #23 – ‘Tis The Season
Rainmaking Recommendation #23 – ‘Tis The Season Right about now, many attorneys are thinking about their Rainmaking Planning for next year. They are going to the internet, sitting down with their marketing departments, or hiring consultants to help them develop the magic bullet of plans which will cause clients to come flooding in the door. […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #22: Giving Thanks
Rainmaking Recommendation #22: Giving Thanks In one week (and one day) it will be Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was originally a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation for having been blessed with a bountiful harvest of material possessions, food and relationships. While it has morphed into a day off with tons of food and some good […]