Rainmaking Recommendation #163: Focus on Rainmaking Every Day, But….

Ever since I became a Rainmaking Trainer and Coach more than 16 years ago, I have said over and over again that you need to do some marketing or business development activity every single day. However, recently I was asked a question:  How much time should I spend on marketing and business development activities per […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #162: You Don’t Need to Take Every Client

I’m in a facebook group with a lot of really great attorneys.  And recently, there has been a spate of posts which detail the obnoxiousness that some attorneys face with potential clients who are contacting them. Many lawyers, particularly small firm and solo attorneys, are working with the notion that if they don’t take every […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #161: How to Create Your Personal Legal Brand (Legal Branding Series Part 5)

Over the past 4 Rainmaking Recommendations (which can be found here) we have been talking about your personal legal brand.  Today we speak, albeit in generalizations, how to create your personal legal brand. There are hundreds of marketing and business development tactics you can use, and there are thousands of locations on the internet where […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #160: The 8 Laws of Personal Branding (Legal Branding Series part 4)

The past three Rainmaking Recommendations have been about building your personal legal brand and its importance.  Before discussing the many tactics and the ethical considerations in using those tactics to build your brand, I wanted to touch on one other idea that I love: The 8 Laws of Personal Branding. I didn’t come up with […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #159: The Benefits of Creating Your Legal Brand (Legal Branding Series 3)

  In part 1 of this series, we discussed why you need to create a brand.  In part 2, we discussed what characteristics go into creating your brand.  Now, in part 3, we will be discussing the benefits of creating your legal brand. There is real power in having a brand.  Your brand conveys the promises you are […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #158: What Goes Into Creating Your Personal Brand? (Branding Series part 2)

  When attorneys think of brand they usually think of the firm name or about creating a logo or even having a tagline.  And while these things go into making up your “visual brand” and should be used to create consistency in your marketing, a personal brand goes so much deeper. Jeff Bezos, the founder […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 157: The Lawyer Branding Series (pt 1): The Why

  As we start a new year, I will be starting a new series on branding yourself and your legal services.  This will include the why, the what, and the how of becoming a legal brand unto yourself.  And, we will discuss the various Model Rules of Professional Conduct you must understand in order to […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #156: Sage Words Of Wisdom

For many people with whom I have spoken, this was a difficult year.  I know it was for me.  But rather than dwell on the past, I am moving forward with a lot of optimism and excitement as to what the New Year will bring. Since this is the last Rainmaking Recommendation of the year, […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 155: You Have to Want It!

Rainmaking is as much of a mind-set as it is a skill set. You can learn the skills necessary to market your services and position yourself as an authority to your ideal clients. You can be taught how to network, how to use social media, how to blog or create videos, how to give excellent […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #154: Gratitude as a Business Strategy

  Next week is Thanksgiving and I have been thinking about the things I am most grateful for this year. If you read the last Rainmaking Recommendation, you will know that it really hasn’t been a great year for me, but I am truly grateful that things are turning around and doing so quicker than […]