Rainmaking Recommendation # 55: Broken Chains

So you went to a networking event.  You met some really wonderful people.  You got their business cards. You think there is some way that you can potentially do business.  You left the event after having a great time. You went home.  And then… you did nothing! You didn’t write a “Nice to Meet You […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #54: The Sweetest Sound

“Remember that a person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” – Dale Carnegie Rarely do people spell my name correctly.  Even more aggravating to me is that I am constantly getting correspondence addressed to Mr. Jamie Field (note incorrect gender AND incorrect spelling). While I no longer […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #53: What You Don’t Say May Speak Volumes

After an extremely long day with clients, I stopped by my local book store – it’s one of the ways I like to relax.   Yes, while I have ebook readers, and the ability to download books onto every device in the world, I am a bit old fashioned.  I love the feel of books, of […]

Rainmaking Recommednation #52: Acknowledge Me!

Reason #2 Why Client’s Don’t Come Back: You’re Unresponsive In a continuation of the series on “Why Client’s don’t come back”, this Rainmaking Recommendation will address the number one reason why clients’ don’t come back – because you don’t respond to them. In this day and age of immediate communication – Wi-Fi, 24 hour internet […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 51: “I didn’t know you did that”

“Why don’t clients come back?” Recently, I received an email from a litigation attorney from Connecticut who asked the question above and about following up with clients following the conclusion of representation.   It seems that some clients of the firm who seemed happy with the work the attorneys were doing were going elsewhere for subsequent […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 50: Put the Social in Social Media

Are you using Twitter?  Facebook?  Linked In?  Google +? Or any of the hundreds of websites that are considered “social media?”  Great! If you haven’t gotten on board yet with Social Media sites, understand this – Social media is not a fad.  It is not going away.  It continues to evolve as a method of […]

Rainmaking Recommendations #49: Who do YOU want to represent?

All great Rainmakers know the following:  You have to love what you do and who your clients are because: When you are in a practice area that you love practicing law does not feel like work; When you love working with your clients they will love working with you.  You will actually return calls, and […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 48: Holiday Rainmaking Wishes for You!

Twas 10 days before New Years and all through the firm, Attorney reviews were making them squirm, “Did I create enough business, bill enough hours?” Thanks to Rainmaking Recommendations they had the power To take control of their careers and rest of their life Breathing a sigh of relief, it will all be all right….. […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #47: The Ubiquitous Goal Setting Recommendation

Around this time of year, every person who works in the personal development business, law firm marketing and rainmaking training is writing posts on how to set goals for your next year.  In fact, if you Google “Goal Setting” and just set the search parameters for this month, you will see 213,000,000 hits. This rainmaking […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #46: The Reasons You aren’t becoming a Rainmaker

There are only two reasons why you aren’t becoming a Rainmaker. 1. You don’t know what to do If this is the case there are many things you can do: Take a class, Read a book, Ask a mentor, Hire a Rainmaking Coach And 2. You aren’t doing the things you need to do on […]