Rainmaking Recommendation #45: The Difference between Rainmaking and Marketing

Simply put, marketing is communicating what you can do for prospective clients by creating awareness. Rainmaking is converting those people into prospective clients by creating relationships. Marketing educates your prospective clients and referrals sources about the services you can provide to them. Rainmaking creates the relationships which allow your prospects and referrals to know that […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #44: Develop a Referral “System”

If you are referable (Rainmaking Recommendation #41) And you know how to give referrals (Rainmaking Recommendation #42) And you know how to ask for referrals (Rainmaking Recommendation #43) Why aren’t you getting referrals on a regular basis? It’s probably because you don’t have a system for getting referrals in place. One of the definitions of […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #43: The Third Step to Obtain Referrals

Rainmaking Recommendation #41 asked:  Are you Referable? Rainmaking Recommendation #42 asked:  Do you know how to give referrals? This third, but by no means final step, answers the question:  Do you know how to ask for referrals? Being referable and giving referrals are wonderful ways to start the process.  However, if you don’t ask, you […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #42: The Second Step to Getting Referrals

Rainmaking Recommendation #41 began the first of three steps on how to get referrals. The first step answered the question:  Are you Referable? The second step answers the question:  Do you know how to give referrals? Why is giving referrals important?  You’ve heard the old adage: “Give to get”.  Nothing could be truer than that […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #42: The Second Step to Getting Referrals

Rainmaking Recommendation #41 began the first of three steps on how to get referrals. The first step answered the question:  Are you Referable? The second step answers the question:  Do you know how to give referrals? Why is giving referrals important?  You’ve heard the old adage: “Give to get”.  Nothing could be truer than that […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #41: The First of Three Steps to Get Referrals

Lately I have been discussing referrals a lot with my clients. Recently, I was invited to participate in a podcast with Jared Correia, Law Practice Management Advisor with MassLOMAP for Legal Talk Network Radio on The Power of Legal Referrals, and the one question I get asked the most is how to get more referrals. […]

Rainmaking Recommendation # 40: It doesn’t matter what YOU want

You wouldn’t offer a monkey a slice of cheese when it wants a banana. You wouldn’t give a hungry baby a steak when it wants a bottle of milk. So why is it that we don’t figure out what our potential and current clients really want?  Instead, we tell them what we want for them. […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #39: The Hazy, Lazy Days of Summer

Maybe it’s a hold-over mentality from when we were children.  From September through June we were in school just waiting for the day when our summer vacation started.  Then from Memorial Day to Labor Day we took off to play. Now that we are adults, we still think of summer as being a slower time; […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #38: It is not fashionable to be late

There are some people in this world who are always, chronically late. 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there. No matter what the event or appointment, they are always late. However, being late is never acceptable. When you are late, you are saying to other people that your time is more important than theirs.   This is […]

Rainmaking Recommendation #37 – The 3 Little Words Never to Say to a Client

(N.B:  This was not the original Rainmaking Recommendation that was to be sent out today, but due to an increasingly frustrating phone call with a major website last night in which those three little words were used over and over, it had to be sent). When a client sends you an email or calls you […]