The part of Rainmaking that I try to pound into my client’s heads is “follow up, follow up, follow up”. But how many times should you try to get in touch with someone before you become a pest? There is no magic number. While some may say 3 times, others say 6 times and some […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #79: Manners Matter
Lately, I have noticed a horrific lack of manners (even more so than usual): Not saying “excuse me” when you have to interrupt someone; Not saying: “thank you” for being helped; Not apologizing for making a mistake or offending someone inadvertently; Looking at your smart phone at inappropriate times (like when you have a client […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #78: One Small Step
In order to get into the habit of Rainmaking on a regular basis, I have been asking my clients to send me an email at the end of each week to let me know what Rainmaking activities they have performed during the week. They are to write down, each day, the step they have taken […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 75: It’s Not What You Know
It’s not who you know. It’s about who knows what you know. How are you making sure that the public knows about what you know? You have to proactively tell the public what you know. Not by shouting from the rooftops but by intelligently, systematically and consistently showing others how you can solve their legal […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #61: Who did you Meet Today?
Just meeting one new person can have the potential for creating the type of legal practice you have always wanted. Why? Because that one person can introduce you to hundreds of other people who may need your services. Yes, you can meet that person online on a social networking site (think Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). You […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #42: The Second Step to Getting Referrals
Rainmaking Recommendation #41 began the first of three steps on how to get referrals. The first step answered the question: Are you Referable? The second step answers the question: Do you know how to give referrals? Why is giving referrals important? You’ve heard the old adage: “Give to get”. Nothing could be truer than that […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #15: Listen to This
Listening is one of the most important skills you can master if you want to be a great Rainmaker. Most people use their ears to hear. Hearing is a bio-mechanical attribute that most people with two ears can do. However, usually, when the other person is speaking, we are often just waiting for our chance […]
Complimentary Rainmaking Coaching Session!
Ladies & Gentlemen who practice law in the USA I am really happy to make this offer: Would you like a free, no obligation, and most importantly no sales pitch 45 minute Telephone* Rainmaking Training Session with me ($275.00 value)? The first 25 Attorneys to sign up for the bi-monthly Rainmaking Recommendations email by following […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #5 – Time IS on Your Side, Yes it is!
Time IS on your Side. How to use wasted time to create Rainmaking Opportunities
Rainmaking Recommendation #3 – The Difference 10 Minutes can Make
One of the best Rainmaking habits you can develop is to take 10 minutes every day (at the start of your day) to plan your day. Write down all of the tasks that need to be done, Include at least one Rainmaking activity Then commit it to your schedule and do it! When you plan […]