I know the title seems obvious; however, you’d be surprised at how many attorneys are casting their lines (i.e. marketing and rainmaking) in locations where they will never find clients for their practice. They are practicing random acts of networking, writing articles which don’t create authority, wasting time on social media marketing without a plan, […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #123: Fish Where the Fish You Want to Catch Are
What’s Your Personal Legal Brand?
There is something you truly need to know – you already have a brand, whether you like it or not. Your brand is how others perceive you and what you do. Before the internet, it was simply called your reputation and it was localized to your network or friends, colleagues, bosses and clients. Now, with […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 115: Be Amazing!
Being a good lawyer is not enough. Being a great lawyer is not enough. Be an amazing lawyer! According to Google the definition of “Amazing” is “causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.” So, when was the last time you created great surprise or wonder when it comes to your clients? Your referral sources? Your prospective […]
Rainmaking Recommendation # 111: Your “Red Velvet Rope Policy”
In the late 1970s, two men, Ian Schrager and Steve Rubell, opened a now famous club called Studio 54. Then they did something incredibly amazing! They set up a Red Velvet Rope at the entrance to the Disco and then created a policy in which they determined who would, and would not get into this remarkable place. People […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #110 – The Super (Bowl) Card
Today is my birthday – yes, this IS a blatant way to get you to send an email or make a comment wishing me a wonderful day. And no, I am not telling you how old I am. I was thinking about days we celebrate, particularly because of what occurred the other day. Last Saturday, I […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #108: What Do They Want?
You want more clients, right? What do clients want? They want to know that you understand their problems, They want to know that you know how to solve those issues, They want to know that you are listening to them, They want you to be responsive, They want you to communicate with them clearly, They […]
Motivation Mondays: It’s All Excuses
It’s another New Year. Are the resolutions you have the same ones you have had last year? Did you achieve your goals last year and now have new, even bigger goals or are you just recycling the same ones, year after year? This year, like many of you, I have a list of things I […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #107: What’s Going to Be Different?
This is the last Rainmaking Recommendation of the year. In two weeks we will start a new year. This is when people make promises, usually called resolutions, which they will never keep. In fact, according to the University of Scranton in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, about 45% of Americans usually make resolutions, but only […]
Rainmaking Recommendation #106: 2015 – The Year of the Client
I am officially declaring 2015 – The Year of The Client. 2015 is going to be the year that client service is going to become one of the most important business development tactics you can improve for your law practice and firm. Why? Yesterday, November 18, 2014, Jackson Lewis, a 780 attorney law firm with […]
What Attorneys Can Learn From the Pregnant Restaurateur about Client Service
Despite all of the cracks around the country about New Jersey, it is called the Garden State for a reason. We have some of the most amazing fresh fruits and vegetables in the United States. A bounty of harvested produce makes it way, each year, from June to November, to various farmers markets across the […]